​Participating in a Ride-A-Long with Sgt. Rodriguez to see our issues firsthand 


A COMMENDATION AWARDED from our Sheriff's Dept. for Commitment and Dedication for making Public Safety in La Mirada a Priority  

     John is Endorsed by Chief Ojeisekhoba

38th Safest City in California (out of 482)

Drive-Thru Events for the Kids

Supporting Local Businesses as Mayor

Most Business Friendly Award - TWICE - Supporting La Mirada Businesses  

Law Enforcement Appreciation Day in La Mirada

                    SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY

Rotary Donations to Good Sam Pantry Food Bank

              and Charity Events for the Children

SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY: Rotary Club Charity Events

Supporting the Fire Dept with Chief Osby


  • Public Safety is my number 1 priority for the City. Public Safety is the foundation for property values and business growth for the city. By making public safety the number one priority, the city becomes attractive for businesses to relocate, homeowners to purchase homes here, and for the community to thrive. Since 2017, the City has moved from the 75th safest city in California to the 38th safest city in the state in 2021.   See

  • Making the district and city a safer place gives confidence to existing business to grow and helps attract new businesses to the city.  


  • I continue to work with our Sheriff's and Public Safety Departments on law enforcement policies, techniques or personnel in in the city in order to cut down on crime and the response time to this District, and have a greater law enforcement presence in the area

  • A strong partnership  between the public safety team, the residents and the businesses has kept La Mirada the safest city in the region. 

  • I continue to work to Improve the neighborhood watch programs. I also continue to work with the local Sheriff’s Department to pinpoint local safety issues for improvement and enforcement to improve the safety of the residents in all areas of the city.  I regularly ride along with our Sheriff's deputies to ascertain the current state of public safety - firsthand. 


  • La Mirada was named the "Most Business Friendly City"in LA County - twice in a row. (second time in Winter, 2020) by the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation.  As your councilmember, I have, and will continue, to review economic conditions, policy, and review / revitalize the city’s laws (municipal codes, ordinances,  etc.) in order to continue to make La Mirada the "Most Business Friendly" and give a competitive advantage over local cities to:

             -  Attract new businesses, and,
             -  Allow our current businesses to thrive, and,
             -  Increase local property values.

  • Proposed and passed a new ordinance that requires businesses that have blighted  vacant buildings for over one year to justify their lack of use or maintenance.  This ordinance has been implemented as the "Vacant Commercial Property Ordinance" and used to revitalize commercial properties that have been blighted for years. 

  • La Mirada's real property values continue to increase at a higher rate than local cities. 

  • Work to bring in quality businesses and restaurants through programs and incentives.  Council has passed new incentive programs for new businesses and restaurants.  


  • Making La Mirada an attractive and innovative city to attract residents and businesses is key to continuing to stay on top.

  • The center medians, city streets, and most city parks have been revitalized in the past 4 years. The City has approved a major upgrade to the lighting, electric recharging stations, solar panels at the city parking structures, and other cost saving upgrades to innovate the city for the future. 

  • All city street lights have been upgraded to efficient LED lighting saving money and providing more light. New street lights on Valley View will be installed on the new medians. 

  • The City has installed new turn lanes at La Mirada Blvd. and Telegraph Avenue to improve the traffic flow. T

  • The city has upgraded all of the traffic signals and improved timing to improve traffic flow in the city. 

  • New Stop signs, including Gardenhill and Biola, for safety of the children walking to school. 

  • All city parks have been revitalized including Frontier Park, Gardenhill Park, and other areas of District 1. New playground equipment for all parks. Revitalized/resurfaced sports courts (basketball, tennis, etc.) including a community garden at Frontier Park. 

  • I continue to review city parks, structures and lots for additional uses by the local residents for sports or business attractions for local residents. 

  • A Farmers Market has been approved for Spring, 2022. 

  • Community gardens have been approved for Frontier Park. 

  • Review Gardenhill Amphitheater for upgrades for community uses.

  • I will review local lots and unused structures to revitalize the business growth in the area and work to improve the areas to attract new businesses to District 1. 

  • I will workwith schools, the school district, and businesses to improve the land in and around their structures for community and/or sports use.    


  • As the past President of the La Mirada Rotary, a charitable public benefit organization, I have led local business and community leaders to serve the families of our district. This service has allowed me to understand and incorporate these principals into service for this district and community. 

  • As a Trustee to SASSFA, (Southeast Area Social Services Funding Authority) I have seen the need in the community and can prioritize the funding for needed services in the area. 

  • As a past planning commissioner, current business and real estate  attorney, and current councilmember, I have a comprehensive understanding of the needs of businesses, state and local building codes, policies, and requirements. I will work to continue improving local businesses in the city and help implement new businesses, improve local properties, and serve to attract new businesses to the city. 


  • La Mirada is in the top 6% of all California Financially Sound Cities as determined by the California State Auditor. Transparency and accountability is a priority in city finances.  SEE  (
  • La Mirada maintains balanced budgets every year!
  • No City property tax or city utility tax in La Mirada. 
  • Always put people and community first.  

Lowest Tax Rate in the County!

(714) 600-7878


Mayor Lewis with Neighborhood Watch and Sheriff's Deputies

Focusing on maintaining and attracting new businesses to the City with innovative ideas 

Supporting Local Businesses

Supporting the Fire Dept at the Supervisors Meeting for additional resources to speed up Response Times. 

Supporting Charity Causes in the City with Love La Mirada!

Supporting Local Businesses as Mayor

Working with the Sheriff's Public Safety and Neighborhood Watch to improve coordination with the residents 

Supporting the Student speaker contest

Service to the Community!


Public Safety Team Taking Care of National Night out - Neighborhood Watch, Etc. 

Serving the Community through Rotary Club